Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Personal Quote

My Personal Quote(Please comment good things about it)


  1. Nice quote. The color makes makes it stand out, but you might want to use more elements of design.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I like the color scheme you used in your quote. The green and the gold flow nicely. I think that you should play around with the alignment more, and perhaps change the font on some of the words to really emphasize your quote

  4. i like it overall. its pretty straight forward, and all the typography, elements, and principles seems to be fine.

  5. i like the qoute. the colors are also good too. you should mess with the alignment and not have just in a straight line.

  6. Boring. Just one solid color for the quote and something else for the person. Nothing jumps out. Living and easy should of had an emphasis on them.

  7. Pretty good quote. I like the simplicity but in a design class you might want to change it up just a bit. maybe change the alignment and put some emphasis on one or a few or the words. Maybe even the font. but overall nice unity,

  8. quotes okay just needs some creativity added

  9. yea yea more creativity. and color a little more a know

  10. I like the quote but maybe consider spacing it out? The quote only takes up 1 1/2 lines of the page. It makes it seem kind of boring to me. Be creative.

  11. Good quote, not sure you're the author though. Pretty simple, maybe change the sizes or font of keywords

  12. I like the simplicity of this quote. But maybe add some emphasis to it.
